Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Who needs TV when we can have this?

In the last two weeks, we've had a few adjustments to make owing to Zoe's illness and its aftermath. Given that she now has to wear the dreaded cone to prevent her scratching the wound from her throat drain, I've had to devote more time to her and less to the jobs on my ever increasing to-do list. 

So, it was an extra pleasure to spend time onboard the Vereeniging the last few days and to wake up in the harbour to the rumble of great sea ships going past.

Happy in her new home

For me, this is one of the greatest advantages of our new mooring. Being on the sea canal from Terneuzen to Gent (Ghent) means we are constantly entertained by the passing traffic. Looking out of the Vereeniging's window and seeing huge cargo and container ships gliding past is a never-ending delight, especially late at night when the almost festive array of onboard lights signal their passing. I also love it when they're being guided by the huge, muscular tugboats that are for hire at Terneuzen.

Huge cargo carriers

Two muscular tugs at the bow

Another tug at the stern

But one of our favourite sights is the DFDS ships. These massive container carriers ply a regular route between Gent and Scandinavia in their distinctive, boxy, blue and white ships. They seem to fill the canal with their curiously space-age appearance and we can hear them coming for miles. The deep grumble of their engines is instantly recognisable and has us popping up from below like moles from our hole. To see one is to stop and stare at their ugly magnificence.

DFDS ply a regular route and can be seen daily on the canal

These photos weren't taken from the Vereeniging; we often walk along the canal and watch the ships,  so they give an idea of the kind of traffic we see at any hour during the day. It's better than TV and the kind of eye candy I can feast on all the time. 

Having my Vereeniging in Sas is probably the best kind of weekend/holiday cottage we could wish for. We don't have far to go; we have space around us for walks and relaxation; and we have a continuous procession of awe-inspiring ships to gaze at. Life can't be all that bad, can it?

Here's Zoe looking sorry for herself in her cone. Actually, she's quite used to it now and objected strongly to the softer comfy cone I bought her. She seems to prefer whacking her way through life in the the hard plastic one the vet gave me. There's no accounting...

Enjoy the rest of your week allemaal. It's been a fine but windy one here so far but we're battening down the hatches for a stormy few days to come.


  1. Hi Val. The container ships and the tugboats sound fascinating. We take so much for granted when we go shopping not realizing how far the goods have traveled. As always, great pictures! Stay well, Zoe.

    1. Thank you so much, Lynn. It’s lovely to see these ships going past and we never get tired of it.

  2. What an exciting, entertaining life. No TV needed for sure! HaHaHa! Zoe knows what she wants in life and how to get it! A very smart lady! God bless. (Steph)

    1. I’m always filled with winder at what we see, Steph. Thank you! Yes, Zoe definitely has her own mind about things…bless her. 😄

    2. Wonder, not winder 😬

  3. Good morning Val and thank you so much for your latest blog. I don’t know if I could cope with seeing so many beautiful sea going ships every day. The reason being I would be filled with such a deep longing to go on board to see where they were going, especially if I heard that deep booming ship’s foghorn. My itch to go exploring would be at bursting point! 😂

    1. Why do you think I find it so hard to do anything on board, Lorraine, I stand and stare for ages…and I dream! But it’s lovely, all the same. Thank you for reading my post, my friend, 😘

  4. such beautiful pictures! Hopefully Zoe is better soon!

    1. Thank you, Kathleen. She is having a bad time at the moment. Now her stomach is very upset, but I hope she’ll be recovered soon too. Xx

  5. It’s wonderful being able to watch the world cruising on by. Great pictures.

    1. It really is. I’m glad you enjoyed them too!

  6. 'Muscular tugs' is such a great description Val. What a super update. I'd be a mole too, forever popping up to see those ginormous beauties glide by. And bless her, I fear that Zoe might have taken a leaf out of Max's book with her cone. If the sides of your interior walls show signs of crumbling, you'll know it's her and that plastic home demolition device! :D xxx

    1. Haha, yes, Beth. A home demolition device it is. I’m finding paint chipped off things everywhere. Ah well. Poor baby is now suffering from an ongoing upset tummy, which could be the result of the meds she’s been taking, or it might be the heat, but it’s another challenge to deal with. She’s on plain chicken now. No kibble, no dog food. Fingers crossed it clears up soon. Xxx

  7. I do love your constantly changing views Val some of those barges and container carriers are huge. The 'muscular tugs' do a great job. I know that Zoe is on the mend now but it's a shame to see her looking sad in her cone of shame.

    1. Thank you, yes! They’re massive, aren’t they? Zoe has progressed substantially now, so I think we’ll be able to dispense with all protection soon.

  8. Lovely pictures, Val! 🤩 So sorry Zoe continues to suffer... Hopefully coming off horrible medication will sort it?

    1. Thank you, Aidan. I hope I’ll be able to stop giving Zoe updates soon, but she’s been filling much of my time lately. Poor little thing.

  9. Hi Val - poor Zoe ... I do hope things improve ...as I 'toddle' through your posts ... not an easy summer for you all - cheers Hilary


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