Monday, March 19, 2018

Still winter...?

I saw a funny poster on Twitter today. It's about the first thing I've read about winter that's actually made me laugh. It went something along the lines of 'Winter's behaving like an angry relative who keeps storming out of the room and then rushes back in shouting "And another thing!"'

What March in the harbour should really look like

It's true though, isn't it? We can't get rid of this blessed season. It keeps coming back with a vengeance. Last weekend I posted photos of a lovely spring walk we took. I even opened my coat and took off my hat. Can you imagine that? This weekend I've barely been out of the crumbly cottage. Yesterday we managed a trip to the dump with some junk that had been accumulating over many months, but it was snowing quite determinedly. So I decided that was it for the day apart from braving the throngs in the local supermarket. Today I managed an hour outside in company with a large container of cleaning vinegar. Together we attacked the green mould that has been covering just about everything of a stone or concrete surface. But it was absolutely freezing. I feel so sorry for the birds and wildlife, not to mention my panzies and daffodils which have all bent over in despair.

My rowing boat
Talking of cleaning vinegar, I must say I love it. It's my number one favourite stuff for cleaning just about anything...well, except me. I draw the line at that. Sharp and refreshing it might be, but I have certain sensitivities about just how sharp that can be. That said I have used it to clean the shower and chucked it down the loo. It's amazing at removing the unpleasant orange residue you get from the water in these parts. And the nice thing is that it's natural...well, it's the best part, actually.

last year's spuddle in March
I also use it to clean the green off my barge and I spent a few hours on Wednesday afternoon doing just that. It's funny to think that this time last year we were already spuddling about in the harbour. I was emptying my rowing boat of icy water on Wednesday too and remembered our first venture out last March. It'll have to get a sight warmer before I'm willing to start out this year.

Look! We weren't even wearing coats!

So there you are. I've managed to rabbit on about total rubbish for a few paragraphs just for the pleasure of writing my blog. Enough, you say? Okay. Have a good week allemaal.


  1. Hi Val - I gather it's quite tricky in the UK ... but we're not geared up for it - here things work quite easily, once I've got off the farm ... the end of the week looks better - here ... it's beginning to get lovely! Thanks for all the vinegar tips ... we use well water ... so I will try the vinegar tip ... cheers Hilary

    1. I’m glad you are seeing signs of spring, Hilary! Enjoy your Canadian life for now!

  2. Hi Vallypee, is what you call cleaning vinegar 'white vineger' or something else entirely? Spring will come ... sooner or later! Stay warm and dry. x

    1. Carol, I’m not sure! It is white, but it’s not the same as the white vinegar we buy for making salad dressings. It’s called schoonmask azijn here and is sold for cleaning purposes only. I buy it in 5l containers for about €2. It’s brilliant!

  3. Oh his I agree about this wretched winter! I thought, having spent January in Nepal, I’d have missed the worst of it but here I am, knee deep in snow all over again!

    1. My sympathies, Jo! You’ll have to book yourself another trip to get over it!

  4. So clever and funny Val, to compare Winter with the grumpy old person coming back with 'another thing'. It certainly sounds awfully cold, so I do hope Spring will arrive soon. Perhaps for Easter?

    1. Oh I do hope so, Patricia! It’s wretched having wnter go on so long! I hope it’s cooling down for you, though!

  5. Ah Val!! I just wrote a similar sentiment about winter on my blog! And yes, heartily sick of it. I love the analogy of the awful relative... perfect really! It is melting a bit each day here, but I long for the warm sun and wind that will really do the trick.
    Le sigh...

    1. Ha, yes! I’ve just read your blog, Stevie! I was so happy to see you posting. Welcome back and blog on, dear one!


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