Tuesday, April 16, 2024

From winter to spring and back again

It's been the oddest time here in Zeeland. Honestly, last week, we thought we'd come to the end of the miserable winter weather. The sun came out; we went for some lovely walks; Zoe shook off some winter fluff and we even got to spend the weekend on Vereeniging. The photos below are the evidence. Look at that cerulean blue sky and the puffball clouds!

I loved this view of one of the great sea ships on the canal in the distance with Zoe snuffling in the foreground.

In the fields nearby, the horses were out to grass again. The photo above is from a bit later last year – May, I think – but the same horses were in this field last week and the baby has grown quite a bit already. It was so good to see them. Zoe and Lucy, her pal, found them quite fascinating, like dog TV, so we had to stand and watch them graze while the pups sat and gazed at them adoringly.

And of course, we've been out and about. The photo above is totally gratuitous cuteness, but my excuse is that it's for Rebecca (if she sees it :)). I love the way her little paws are tucked in.

Best of all, though, was being able to spend the weekend on my Vereeniging. With all the recent storms, it's been impossible to stay over, because we've never been certain we could get on or off the barge. When the wind blows hard from the west, as it often does, it pushes her away from her mooring and I can't reach her to climb aboard. Try that with a dog as well. I can help Zoe jump the gap but then can't bridge it myself – either on or off. Anyway, last weekend was glorious and only just a bit breezy. I even worked outside in a T-shirt, managing to sand the teak entrance hatch and give it a coat of varnish, which it sorely needed.

I love waking up in the harbour; it's so peaceful. The two photos above and below were taken on Sunday morning when I was out for a walk with Zoe. The harbour is very popular with pooches and their people, so we had plenty of fun time as well as working on smooshing Vereeniging up a bit.

However, and here's the thing, we're back to winter again now. I can hardly believe I'm writing this, but it's now really cold and stormy and we've got high winds, lashing rain and hail. Last Saturday it was 24C and today, it was only 6C when I went into the village an hour ago. Is this normal for April? Maybe, but I'd be very grateful if it would just stop and give us back that lovely sunny warmth. I was really hoping to be able to get used to it.

In other news, I was also wrestling last week with the production of my new travel memoir. To cut a long and anxious story short, I published it on pre-order with a less than perfect version of the content. Big mistake on my part.

Unfortunately, you have to upload the content or you can't promote the possibility for readers to pre-order it. I was still waiting for some final feedback from my readers, and knew I'd be making some changes, but thought I'd be able to upload the best version before D day (or rather P for publishing day). One thing led to another and I realised I needed a bit more time to sort out some formatting issues and a couple of small glitches, so I tried to postpone the release date. 

And this was the real mistake. 

I'd obviously done something wrong, although I have no clue what, but Amazon wouldn't let me change it. Anyway, I've sorted everything out now, and it's released, but it was a bit stressful. Self-publishing is a choice for me, and I actually enjoy the whole production process. I like the formatting and cover design; I enjoy the nitty gritty of getting things right (as best as I can anyway), but there are times when I'm glad I'm already grey-haired. What did I learn? That I'm not sure I'll be risking that pre-order process again...

If you're interested in taking a look, here's the link to the book on Amazon US, but it's available on all Amazon marketplaces.

So that's it for this week allemaal. Keep your fingers crossed that spring returns to our shores soon. Enjoy the rest of your week! 



  1. Oh, Val - we haven't even had one T-shirt day yet and yesterday was totally miserable...but here's to hoping! Congrats on your book. I'm so sorry I'm not finished with it yet. I love it! But I'm just having a hard time scraping up time to get it out - and I had to get my newest book back to the editor in the middle of all this! But I will do a review as soon as possible. Sending love and prayers. God bless. Oh - and lovely photos of Zoe! What a treasure she is! (Steph)

    1. Please don't worry, Steph. You shouldn't feel you have to read or review it at all. There's absolutely no obligation for you to do anything, my friend. I still have to read your latest, so I know exactly what that's like! Mind you, I have a job keeping up with you...haha. You're so much more prolific than I am! XXX

  2. Congratulation with your book! I've bought your book on Amazon nl. Now finding time to read it, still have to read lally's latest book. What a wonderful blogplost and pictures!

    1. Aw, Kathleen, thank you so much! I totally understand about the time issue, and Lally's book is an absolute delight, so take your time to savour it. I'm glad you enjoyed the post and the photos. xx

  3. Oh Val - it is freezing ... I don't get much sun in the flat - and am totally not enjoying the wind and cold temperatures. I don't remember it like this ... despite my 14 years down south in SA. So glad you had that day on your Vereeniging - and well done on the varnishing ... one job done! Just ordered your book ... so I'll enjoy that - cheers for now - Hilary

    1. Hilary, isn't it awful? It just doesn't seem to stop. Don't you wish you could be back in SA now? I know I do. I'm so hoping it will be a bit warmer this weekend so I can get on with boat jobs.Thank you so much for buying my book. That's wonderful of you!

  4. The weather here is pretty much the same as yours Val, it's really getting me down. I found the winter difficult, now I'm on my own I try to get out of the house whenever possible. Looking back I was getting out more during the winter period than I have recently, I just want some warm sunny days
    I enjoyed yourvpost and congratulations on your latest book, its many years since I read a book, I can't concentrate for more than a few pages. My last 3 years of working for BT required a lot of driving and I started listening to "talking books" .
    At least you had a spell on your boat, that must have been encouraging and I'm sure Zoe enjoyed it, she looks a very placid little dog. Take care, hope the sun shines on you soon. David.

    1. David, it will get warmer again and the sun will shine, but yes, it's been so hard this year, hasn't it? Have you thought about taking a holiday somewhere warmer in winter? Or even now? If your offspring would take care of Popcorn, I can recommend the Algarve at this time of year. It could give you the boost you need. I could also suggest meeting a couple of people I know down there. It would probably do you good!
      I've never got around to recording my books. Maybe I should one of these days as I know they're very popular now. Keep well, David. Think about doing a bit of sun seeking. It could be just what you need!

    2. Thanks for the suggestions and your concerns Val. Now this might surprise you, I've never had a passport so haven't travelled outside the UK. We enjoyed holidays in the Lake District, Warwickshire and Norfolk, the main reason was because we've always had dogs and they went on holidays with us in self catering accommodation. I don't know that I could holiday by myself, even in this country, but thank you very much for your thoughts.
      And of course, I already live in the best place, Lincolnshire has all I need. David.

    3. David, having dogs is the best reason for not travelling far. The UK has so many beautiful spots, you don’t need to go elsewhere for scenery, and I’m inclined to agree with you about Lincolnshire. It’s just the lack of sunshine that’s the problem. I find the winters here in the Netherlands very tough and miss South Africa badly. We had such lovely winters there. It was cold, but dry and sunny. Perfect for keeping up your vitamin D levels!

  5. I've commented elsewhere that I thought I'd had a sleep like Rip Van Winkle and woke up in November! I share your enjoyment of the warm and sunny weather and hope it will reliably return. Then you can get on and off board without notifying the coast guard... 😉 Good luck with the book. 👍 I love the writing but hate the formatting and uploads and all that. 😬

    1. Haha, I like your style, Aidan! Yes, I absolutely notify the coastguard when I so on board. I'd love to hear what they had to say to me about that. It probably wouldn't be very complimentary! :D Thanks for the book good wishes. I do wish you'd write that sequel to yours. It's so worth it and I could help you with the formatting/proofreading etc.

  6. What a lovely blog Val, I don't know how I didn't see this one.Maybe I was still on holiday in Lanzarote enjoying the sun. You have my sympathy regarding the weather as we have had so much rain. Yesterday it was so cold with showers of hailstones - nice for April. How lovely for you to have some time to spend on Vereeniging even though you were working. You never stop! I love the totally gratuitous cuteness of Zoe with her little paws crossed - thank you xx

    1. Oh goodness, Rebecca, I bet you wish you could have stayed in Lanzarote. We've had a lovely day today, but I see we're going to get more rain again this week. Ho hum! Let's hope it will be a glorious summer! Zoe says you're very welcome. :) xxx


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