Monday, July 01, 2019

And now what?

I've just realised with some shock, relief and then concern that at the end of this week, I will have finished work for the summer. Well, when I say work, I mean teaching and examining.

It's been pretty hectic recently with the mad dash to get everything done, but now it's almost over, my brain is threatening to go into spasm. At best, it starts thinking 'What now? Nothing, I hope.'

Of course, it has no reason to do that at all. I have heaps to do personally and Koos and I have another heap to do together. The list includes formatting a book, writing two articles and getting on with my current work in progress. Then there's maintenance on both boats and a garden to rescue as well as door and window frames on the crumbly cottage to renovate and paint. Quite apart from all that, the online courses I give have to be revised and updated.

I think that's enough to keep anyone going, isn't it? But no, I've gone and bought myself a Dutch course that I really must get down to, and a couple of short courses on editing, so I want to do those as well.

To go back to that 'What now?' Well, yes. But...

Nevertheless, my brain has a point. It's telling me it needs a rest, as is the rest of my person. At least I think it is. If not, it's a good story and I'm sticking to it. The point is I've been incredibly tired this week and I can only think it's my system prodding me into shutting down for a bit. So I'm going to take its advice, I am, and have a bit of time off: time to stop and stare, talk to the sheep, water my plants and go for walks. Koos agrees, but I suspect it's because he gets nervous when I'm too busy. I might find him stuff to do...haha (joking, Koos!).

Hopefully next week we'll be doing a short trip on the Vereeniging, but I won't jinx that by being too certain about it. We've got a lot of checking to do before we take to the water, but I'll keep you posted on that one. It will also be a gentle journey without too much hurry...time to stop and fare.

(...UPDATE...The Vereeniging trip has to be postponed. Koos has a health issue that means we can't go faring at the moment. Nothing life threatening, but it's affecting his balance. Not a good idea to combine that with a moving barge. Hopefully, it will be better in a few weeks)

Meanwhile, let's hope the sun keeps shining. Here's a few pictures of Koos' birthday outing with my daughter yesterday. A good time was had by all.


  1. Hi Vallypee,
    That's quite a hectic schedule, and I can imagine your brain must be craving for some rest and relaxation. One needs that break once in a while, when all that one does is not do anything at all!
    A course in Dutch would be handy, when in the Netherlands, I guess.
    Glad to see your interest in editing. That's what I do as a part of my career.

    1. Thank you, Pradeep. I'll let you know how I get on – both with the rest and with the editing course :)

  2. No wonder Koos gets worried, Val, you are amazing and even more amazingly busy. No other human could possibly accomplish all you do. Getting a rest sounds like a great idea! Have fun. Happy Birthday to Koos. Wonderful pictures! (Steph)

    1. Thank you, Steph! I hope we’ll be seeing you in the near future!

  3. Just love reading your posts, Val. You are a busy lady as others mention. I don't think I've reacted here before, but wanted to say congrats for all you've achieved and lovely photos always too. Sylvia xx

    1. Bless you, Sylvia! Thank you for stopping by here. I shall now look to see if you have a blog too :)

  4. Val, I am always amazed at all that you do and you definitely deserve to rest a bit. Happy birthday to Koos. Julie

    1. Ah, Julie, when you put it all together like that, it looks worse than it is, but yes, I will enjoy slowing down for a bit. Thank you, dear!

  5. Hi Val - gosh that is one busy list ... but it certainly keeps the brain going and stimulates us. Wonderful you've got on-line courses available ... that must be so helpful to some of your students. Learning Dutch - should I guess be 'reasonably' easy - with some Afrikaans and having lived in both places for a while - but languages and me don't gel! Good luck with that ... I think you are resting ... so hope things are easing up a little and you can sort life out.

    Love the photos of the three of you - the cake and coffee and meal looks good too ... cheers and have a great summer - Hilary


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