Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A return to normal

I don't know quite where the time goes, but it's already two weeks since I posted a blog, and yet I'm hard put to remember what I've been doing in that time. I know we've been very busy: two family birthdays and a lot of heen en weer (to and fro) trips between Rotterdam and  Zeeland seeing to the two boats. 

Fortunately, Corona virus restrictions have been largely lifted here, so we've been able to have family get togethers. I'm very relieved to know that none of my family or friends has been ill, and if they've had the virus, they haven't been aware of suffering from anything more than normal fluey symptoms.  I must admit, we all wonder whether we might have had a bit of it, even me. 

Early in March, I was suffering from what I took to be hay fever as I had a dry cough and some trouble breathing along with the usual sneezing, but I didn't have any other symptoms. Nightly applications of good old-fashioned Vick's Vaporub did wonders and within a week or so it was over, so I don't know whether it was allergies or not. However, I'm guessing lots of people may have had it without ever realising. 

Our health authority isn't even doing daily reporting anymore. We're just getting weekly updates, and I can see that in our part of the country, there haven't been any cases at all since 24 June. There are still quite a few in Rotterdam, though. Actually as of the beginning of June, anyone who suspects they might have it can be tested and the number of positive tests has gone up slightly, but the hospitalisations and demises have gone down. That said, we still have to keep the ander half meter (one and a half metres) distance and we see the signs everywhere reminding us of its importance. 

We also still have to wear masks on public transport, and I see a lot more people wearing them at the shops now, which are busier than they were earlier. For the older and the more vulnerable souls, I think this is quite wise, and I do it myself at the larger city stores. Hand sanitiser bottles and paper towelling are also still the norm at the trolley stalls. Mind you, I wouldn't mind if they kept that even after the Corona worry is over. I've kept hand gel in my bag for several years now, but it's helpful to have it made available.


All this aside, it's lovely to see the return to normal life again, and I'm heartened to see barges and cruisers taking to the water too. The photo above is from the end of a quay where there is normally a beautiful old tjalk (see photo below). Since it's not there now, I'm guessing the owners have taken it off on a trip and almost daily now I see cruisers and all kinds of pleasure boats out on the water. In all honesty, it's probably the safest way to take a holiday as you're on your own personal, moving island.

In the photo above the last paragraph, I was standing at the end of the quay

We've also noticed that the local camper site has been completely full recently, something that's never happened before. We counted 46 campers on a recent evening walk, so I have a feeling people are keeping their travels fairly local. Most of the registration numbers on the site were from Belgium, which for them is just a quick nip over the border (and I mean just over the border). Perhaps this 'toe-dipping' into the Netherlands has satisfied their need for going 'abroad'!

This was my favourite in the camper park. The tent was reached by
a ladder on the other side. Brilliant!

As for us, we hope to take a couple of long weekends away in the coming weeks, perhaps to northern France, but for the most part we'll be staying in the Netherlands, I think. Any flights out of the country are likely to be packed and we don't do 'packed' well at the best of times. For us, it's just as much fun to stay on the Hennie H for a weekend because it already feels like a holiday. We did just that this last weekend and loved it. The weather was perfect and the family came on Sunday for my daughter's birthday picnic.

I'll just be watching the weather tomorrow to get a feel for the rest of the summer. It's St Swithun's day and what we used to call Apple Christening day when I was a child. The story goes that whatever the weather is on July the 15th will be how it remains for the next 40 days. The forecast here is for rain, so I hope it's sunny somewhere else just to foil St Swithun's fun!

Have a great week allemaal, keep well and have fun in the sun!


  1. Things are certainly improving for you over there - and it is nice to have a Summer holiday, safely. Australians are also on the move in camper vans (although not us, not our thing :). It does look pretty on the water, and I can sure imagine a weekend on the Hennie H is like a little holiday. We went out driving in the country on Sunday, and enjoyed an olive grove farm shop, where we sourced a bag of gourmet goodies. Queensland is doing well, but our southern states are experiencing flare ups after getting the numbers down. Fingers crossed for us, and as you say, distancing and sanitising are our new way of life. Cheers!

    1. Things are different across the world, aren't they, Patricia? I suspect the flare ups have something to do with the fact that it's winter and more wintry in the south than you experience where you are. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a second wave when the winter comes again. Look after yourself!

  2. You sound like you are really appreciating the return to normalcy, Val! I can certainly relate. The situation is much the same here in Finland, with restrictions gradually lifted since the start of June and covid-19 situation very very calm. The situation luckily never got very bad, whether that's because of the early adoption of restrictions, the fact that some 60% of Finns worked from home or the Finns' firm appreciation of personal space, or all of them. There hasn't been a mask recommendation at any stage, and wearing them hasn't been very common. It's summer vacation for me until the end of July, and it's so nice to enjoy it without much worry. For example, I'm typing this after enjoying a delightful goat cheese and strawberry salad, while waiting for the boat back from Isosaari, which is a former military island on the outer edge of the zone of islands around Helsinki. Stupendously fabulous sea views, among other things. I do carry a bottle of hand sanitizer in the bag, though. Best wishes!


    1. Ah, thank you for your lovely newsy comment, Maria. I'm glad things have eased for you too. I do have a feeling culture has something to do with it. The Dutch are not so bothered about personal space, but they are strongly individualistic people and never live on top of each other. We also adopted working from home early, and the situation has calmed substantially. Your trip out sounds delightful! I hope you enjoy a wonderful summer, dear :)

  3. What a lovely read! We are gradually returning to normal here, too. BC has done a great job of keeping the Covid-19 numbers down and we’re a bit more free to move about. Your post comes at a perfect time, as we are currently out camping (at a new spot) and I forgot to bring my book. A post from you is the perfect filler! It goes well with my morning coffee as the sun rises over the hillside. I’m an early riser and I love this precious time to myself.
    I, too, have wondered whether this virus has been around longer than what has been “advertised”... There is a sceptical side of me that refuses to budge, but my thoughts have been to err on the side of caution in this world-wise case.
    As usual, your photos and stories catch the moments and bring your home to mine!
    Much love to you and Koos from me xo

    1. Ah, that's lovely to read, Dale. I'm so pleased to hear you're off camping again. It must be lovely to get away and then to watch the sun come up while drinking your morning coffee...just perfect. I love the idea that I bring my home to yours. I think what you've just written here has brought yours to mine too. As for the virus, a friend of mine tested positive for antibodies, which probably means the flu type symptoms she had at Christmas were Covid. If true, it supports the idea it's been around longer than we think. Thank you, dear Dale, and much love to you two from us two/too. :) xx

  4. I’m glad life is returning to normal for everyone in Europe. We seem to be easing slowly as well but what a horror show just south of the border...

    1. Good to hear it's easing in Ontario too, Anne-Marie. Yes, the US is having a bad time, although I'm guessing from what I've read that it's worse in certain states. Look after yourself! xx

    2. Good to hear that the situation is getting better there. Here some states are getting better, some are not. The city where I stay, Bangalore, has gone into lock down again today, for a week, because over the last couple of weeks there has been a surge in the number of cases.

      Don't let the guard down! Take care!

    3. Thank you, Pradeep. That's a pity that your numbers are rising again. Maybe it will happen here too, but I think the Dutch are not so community oriented as other places. Individualism has its downsides, but in the current situation I think it helps.

  5. Beautiful, as always, Val. You are such a positive person and you know how to get every bit of life out of life. You are an inspiration. Here's hoping you get sun tomorrow...and for 40 days at least! (Steph)

    1. Many thanks, Steph! It's dry, but overcast at the moment, so I hope that's a good sign! :)

  6. It's good to hear that life's getting back to normal, Val. I'm sure you'll both make the most of it. It's happening here, too, to a lesser extent, and we're planning a short trip out on the cut that'll give us a feel of what things are like out there. It's true that boaters travel in their own bubble, but there are still locks and bridges and services where people gather. We're looking forward to it, though.

    1. Ah yes, Roger. I must admit I was thinking more of the situation here where the locks are not manual and the lock keepers do all that kind of work. It's definitely more of a risk for you. Still, I hope you enjoy your trip. Maybe if you travel early in the morning you can avoid all those 'gongoozlers' :)

  7. Glad you’re getting back to normal now and are able to enjoy the holidays. I’m still shielding until 31st July but I still won’t be rushing out to go shopping. There’s too many silly people about. No holidays this year for us but I’m not bothered as long as Im well. I’ve never seen a tent on top of a camper van and although it’s clever I just wonder,why not just pitch it on the grass?

    1. You're wise to be cautious, Anne. Being well is the most important thing for you. I laughed at your comment about the camper, but I think the tent on top is such a neat idea. Maybe it's also better from the perspective of bugs and beasts. Who knows, but I loved it :)

  8. Great read as always. So pleased for you that you can now chill out on the boat

    1. Thank you, dearest. So sorry I'm only replying now, but I was on a 'heen' run. We are now 'weer' in Zeeland :)

  9. I am waiting to do some heen en weer to anywhere.
    Most probably it. will turn out to be Amsterdam next year (provided they accept people from India). In the present scenario nothing is certain.

    1. I hope you can make it, Haddock! Let me know if you do and perhaps we can make a plan to meet up!

  10. Hi Val, great read as always. So pleased for you that things are getting back to normal for you, hopefully you and Koos can relax a bit now too. I love the camper with a tent on top, I could do with one of those myself, my Son can sleep in the tent, lol x
    We too wondered if this Virus has been around a lot longer than first thought. We all had coughs and sneezes in January on our return from the UK but put it down to the change in climates, who knows, we may never know as not been tested.
    Things are getting rather hectic here due to holiday home owners coming over along with holidaymakers. I have never enjoyed supermarket shopping but last week was a nightmare, looks like I will be the one waiting for them to open their doors at 9am to get it over and done with asap.
    Enjoy your travels, take care and stay safe xx

    1. Thank you, Linda! I think that camper appeals to lots of us, doesn't it? I'm sure your son would think the tent was a very cool place to sleep.

      I hope you don't get too overrun with holidaymakers yet. It will remain to be seen how much resumption of travel will affect the spread of the virus, but we can only wait and see. We have three weeks booked in Portugal in January, so keeping everything crossed that it doesn't get bad again. Thank you so much for visiting my blog xxx

  11. Love reading everything you write Val. I added Rotterdam reflections to my kindle library yesterday ❤️

    1. Ah, thank you, Caryl! I hope it gives you some giggles. I got into some funny situations when I first came here, I must say :)

  12. Another wonderfully written blog, Val. It may be the 'new normal' but how lovely it is to read about you getting out and enjoying some proper R&R on the Hennie H. :D xx

    1. Ah, Beth, my apologies for the late reply here. Thank you very much for reading my blog. I’m so pleased you enjoyed reading about the small changes in our lives.


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