Friday, March 20, 2015

Springing back

Blogger - my favourite corner of the net. No, let me correct that, blogging is my favourite internet activity, followed closely by Twitter, which I can always link to this blog.

That's why I'm tentatively trying to get back to it again. I miss it here - my space, my place.

So I thought I'd start with a short spring and a small hop - given the time of year and the fact that bunnies are going to be prominent in our world what with Easter coming up and all.

Here's something that might make you smile - it gave me a chuckle.

A couple of days ago, I was walking home from the bus stop. My leather bomber jacket was well zipped up, my scarf was wound tightly round my neck, and my boots were up to my barely visible knees (I was wearing one of those jersey-knit dresses).

As I walked, a young girl of about eighteen passed me skittering on improbably high heels and dressed to a 'T'. Then she stopped and turned to me:

"Mevrouw," she said, a question in her voice.
"Ja?" I responded, thinking she was going to ask for some directions.
"Je ziet er heel goed uit voor je leeftijd." Which loosely translated means: you look really good for your age. Well, as you might imagine I was surprised out of my trudgery and stammered my thanks. I'm even sure I blushed. So she smiled at me sweetly and skittered on.

It was only after she'd teetered out of view that I stopped to muse on what she'd actually said: "good for your age". Right.

Of course it was too late to ask just how old she thought I actually was… although on reflection, I didn't think I really wanted to know! And how she could ever have seen what I looked like packaged as I was...

All the same, it put a spring in my step that even sending off my Master's thesis last week hadn't done.

Kids (because in truth that's all she was). Don't you just love them? It had me grinning for the rest of the day.


  1. Val, this is a beautiful picture. It is so refreshing. As for the comment from the young woman, it is true! "Out of the mouths of babes." Keep the spring in your step. Lynn

  2. Thank you, Lynn! I'd forgotten that expression :) I'm glad you like my photo header as can't seem to make it any smaller :)

  3. Oh that's so funny Val but I think she meant it to be a compliment. Hubby actually said that to me the other day and he's now banned from saying the for your age part. My little four year old toddler boy keeps telling me how old I am so I asked him what age he thought I was, he said forty one hundred, ha ha. I said, "You were right with the forty I didn't need the other number and the end"

    1. Yes, we could do without that qualifier, couldn't we Anne? :)

  4. Oh I love young people - all that energy, all those hormones! I was on the tube in London, carrying plant and presents for old aunt, and a young man - all tattoos and dreadlocks and piercings - stood up for me. 'Your mother would be proud of you,' I said - and suddenly he smiled like a little boy! 'I'll tell her,' he said. I hope he did.

    1. A lovely encounter, Jo. I am always grateful when young people who don't look as if they would, do things like that. Very heartwarming. Most of them here have their noses glued to their phones, but it does happen now and then and then it makes my day.

  5. Hi Val, great done, I love your new blog and now I changed your new blog adress at my blog. Hope all is well in your life. Stefan the bookworm

    1. Thank you, Stefan. I have put your blog on my list again :)

    2. Congratulations on your thesis! ��

  6. Hi Val - wondered if it was you .. and well done on finishing your thesis I see!! I'll get you into Feedly ...

    Oh yes - when we're complimented in surprising ways - lovely compliment to receive walking along wrapped up like a package! and fun too .. bring you smiles for ages ... cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you, Hilary! I'm glad you've found me here. I lost my old blog list when I changed to this one, so I'm just finding everyone again!

  7. Welcome back Val, and I love the new header photo. That was a lovely compliment from the young girl, even with the tag line 'for your age'. I think we all need a little boost like that from time to time. Off to put your new blog on my reading list!

    1. Thank you, Patricia! I'm glad you have found me again here. There's always a risk that I will lose my bloggy friends when I change blog addresses. It's happened before.


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