This week's been a tad gruelling.
On Wednesday I taught for 8 straight hours; on Thursday it was 13 hours without a break; on Friday I dragged myself out of bed to prepare for a long afternoon session, which finished at 5. After arriving home Friday evening, Mo called me in distress. The gangplank had fallen off the Vereeniging and was hanging straight down in the water. No access to ship possible. Three hours later (or thereabouts) we had it fixed again.
But then walking along the quay, a young gentleman approached me and said "Excuse me, but are you VallyP?"
Well, suddenly the evening improved. It was none other than the famous Invader Stu, whose
blog I have been reading and loving for a few years now. As he is best known by his cartoon appearance, I won't spoil the mystery and describe him - that is not unless he fails to deliver the book the girlfriend (who shall also remain nameless), and I were urging him to write before they finally disappeared into the mists at midnight last.
I have, however, threatened to reveal his identity and appearance by gradual stages if he doesn't compile a volume of his brilliant blog stories and cartoons. May I suggest you take a look at his site and let me know if you agree?..perhaps the force of greater numbers will also persuade him - that is if the fear of having the real Stu published for all the world to see doesn't do it first!
Seriously though, it was a great pleasure to meet another great blog friend and his very charming and lovely lady. We invited them into the Luxor, which was in a state of chaos as a result of the hectic week I'd had and the panic stations following the gangplank disaster, but they took it in their stride, and I'm hoping they'll be back for a proper evening of good food and plentiful South African red before too long.