Out to sea, the sky was quite dramatic with the clouds racing over. We somehow ended up in the wrong place and not the beach where the dogs like to run, but I like what they call 'verdronken land' (literally, drowned land) too. During high tide, much of the growth is covered or infiltrated by the the seawater. We were there when the tide was out, and the verdronken parts looks quite densely covered and firm. However, I wouldn't risk walking on it. At best it would be very squishy and I don't even like to think of what the worst case might be.
That small golden blob in the photo below is Zoe, who thoroughly enjoyed scampering along the dyke. There are often sheep there, so the smells were heaven to a small dog of extremely olfactory tendencies.
The following days were spent catching up with chores and taking down all the decorations. We'd had a lovely Christmas and a quiet New Year, but since we were doing some sorting out and de-cluttering, we thought we'd declutter the tree and the lights as well and put them away for next year. The only reminder left is the lovely collection of cards, which I'll keep for a while.
And our canal was pretty impressive as well. In the photo below, you can see the waves and whitecaps on the water, just as if it was a fast-running river. I don't think I've ever seen it so rough. Luckily, my Vereeniging and the Hennie H weren't affected. It's such a relief to have them close by, even when we're not on board. Unfortunately, Vereeniging's mooring situation makes it too difficult and too dangerous to get on board, when there's a big storm so we have to be sensible and not take risks. At least we can check on both boats easily, though.
Lastly, I'm not one for making NY resolutions. That's asking for trouble as I can rarely keep them, but I have resumed writing the sequel to my novel, The Skipper's Child, and I hope I can manage to finish it before the summer. I've also decided to do some drawing and aim to do just a small sketch every day, if I can. How long I can keep it up I don't know, because next week I start giving an eight-week course for twenty students, which will involve a lot of feedback and marking, but I'll do my best. There's also my daily Duo Lingo to do, as well as the inevitable list of DIY projects I need and want to complete. I must write a list, though, as otherwise I'll forget the lot and end up doing other things entirely!
What a lovely, peaceful, photo of Zoe! No New Year resolutions for me, just to get the second two travel memoirs of the trilogy I've written published. Happy New Year to you, Val!
ReplyDeleteLovely New Year‘catch up’ Val, fab pics. All the best with your writing and sketches, Lally xx
ReplyDeleteHappy Joyful New Year, Val! You will be crazy busy as always. You are amazing. Lovely picture of Zoe. She has grown a look of peace and contentment since y'all have had her. It's beautiful to see. God bless y'all in the New Year - and beyond. (Steph)
ReplyDeleteShers of Aisling Books here - First off, congrats on the second novel you're in the process of finishing which I didn't even know you've been writing. I've loved all my novel writing even though finding it such a draining task. I don't know about you, but I become so immersed that I'm literally drained of all my 'little grey cells' when finished. Felly's fourth of her mystery series was my last, I'm afraid. I've since gone on to more applied pursuits, such as setting up to dabble with oils again with my artistic husband.
ReplyDeleteLike you I don't make yearly resolution, which I think are bullocks. But to each his/her own, eh? When looking forward, though, I'm thinking of less and less work to bring in the bacon, which in my case is vegetarian ... hahaha. And I'm thinking more and more exploring my heart to be more genuine and to especially have more fun with the rest of all the years I have to live on this mad mad but lovely blue diamond of a planet. Cheers and - but of course - beste wensen!
Happy New Year Val & Koos. Lovely post, I enjoyed reading about your walk along the estuary and the photo's too. The scenery is remarkably similar to Lincolnshire, not surprising really as Great Britain was part of the European land mass millions of years ago.
ReplyDeleteThe trees standing to attention are very much like the Poplar trees I see on our regular walks. Zoe has perfected the art of relaxation, good to see her so happy.
Take care, Popcorn & David.
Wonderful photos, Val. just found your blog so looking forward to reading more. I make resolutions all year round - but this year David (husband) and I made a joint one for 2025 - find even more places to walk in the UK... while we can.
ReplyDeleteLovely pictures and beautiful wild skies. My favourite! No resolutions here (which was to walk/get out more) as I have a wonky knee, so no walks or taking of pictures. GP next week!
ReplyDeleteNevertheless, your pictures have cheered me up, so thank you, Val.
Zoe is such a darling
ReplyDeleteHi Val - I should be doing other things .. like thank you letters for Xmas and for my birthday - I've never been this late before ... oh well - everyone will get one anon! Thanks for the reminder about how busy others are ... I have to catch up - life is life ... take care and I'll now read more! Cheers Hilary
ReplyDeleteI can’t believe I never responded to any of these comments! Shame on me! I’ll try and catch up all in one, but thank you all so much for commenting! Xxx
ReplyDelete@Shirley. A little bird tells me you’re already halfway to achieving your goal! Well done!
@Lally, thank you. The sketches and writing are on hold while I finish the course I’m giving, but I will get back to them soon! 😊
@Shers, bless you! I shall look forward to seeing what you’re doing, although I guess you ‘ll be away for a while soon!
@David, yes, I often think our scenery is similar, but Lincolnshire does at least have some lovely hilly parts. It’s lovely there, I well remember.
@Judith, thank you so much. I apologise profusely for failing to answer your comment. I can’t quite believe I didn’t respond to any of them! Good luck with your walking goals!
@Aidan, I do hope your wonky knee is progressing well! I’m glad you enjoyed the photos.
@Anonymous. Zoe is a darling. You’re right!
@Hilary. I’ve never been this late in answering comments. I’m so ashamed. Thank you for reading my blog and for reading all the other posts too. I am more than grateful. Xx
I think it's awful having to wait so long for a reply. 😂 I'm sure you have other things on your mind?
ReplyDeletePhotos great. 🤩 Wonky knee less so. Physio two days ago and some exercises which help. Another Physio session next week. 👊
Agh, I'm late again Aidan. I won't deny it's been a seriously busy time, but I'll try and keep up in future. I do hope the knee is improving!
DeleteI wouldn't dare to criticise as I'm much worse than you could ever be, Val. Knee is 'variable'. I have exercises from the Physiotherapist and back to see him in three weeks. Some days it's awful with knee setting off back and hamstring and another day hamstrings and back set off knee. I'm a bit of a crybaby when it comes to pain but I think it is improving. It just needs to be quicker about it. 👍