Sunday, July 21, 2024

It's a heatwave

Summer has arrived at last, we hope. This last week has seen temperatures of 30C for three consecutive days here in our borderland corner of the Netherlands, and before that it was rising for a few days. I don't know why it is but this always happens when Koos goes away. He's been wanting  to take a photo trip for some time, so when he suggested a foray into France last weekend, I encouraged him to go because there were some jobs I wanted to do at the Crumbly Cottage that would be much easier if I were alone. One of these was to re-paint and put new carpet treads on the stairs; the other was to renovate the kitchen floor.

So on Wednesday morning, off Koos went to Maubeuge with gentle promptings from me to take all necessary precautions against the heat. Once he'd disappeared around the bend, I set to work. I'd already prepped the stairs and removed the old, worn carpet. The handrails were also done, so now I just needed to paint the steps and replace the carpeting. The bigger job was scrubbing, scraping and sanding the kitchen floor's old pine planks. It's just as well it was too hot to work outside on Vereeniging, but I have to admit the heat nearly floored me (sorry) inside the cottage as well. I did it, though, and in between, Zoe and I had some lovely early morning walks. Here she is up close and in context (for Rebecca, of course).

And don't you love these gorgeous wildflowers the farmer has planted in a strip along the side of his field. This is a relatively new practice to help encourage nature's pollinators. Isn't it lovely?

Anyway, here are the stairs 'finished and klaar' (ready) as we used to say in South Africa. I am really pleased to have done this at last. I still have to do the uprights, but those I can paint one step at a time..

And this was the kitchen floor after scrubbing and sanding. Phew! I wasn't sure I'd ever get it looking good or the colour even, but I used some teak-coloured stain to cover the really worn areas and then applied a finishing lacquer specially made for wooden floors. It's water-based, so it dried very quickly in the heat but will need treating gently for a week until it's hardened fully. I'm quite pleased with the finished result... for now, anyway!



That's another two projects ticked off the list, then. There are still several more to be done, so watch this space in the months to come. As you can see life's never dull in this part of our world; there's always something that needs doing in an old crumbly cottage. For now, have a great week ahead, allemaal, and I'll look forward to catching up with you all. Here are a couple more photos from our lovely home.


  1. Good job, Val. All looks lovely indeed. And the flowers along your walk are so pretty and pleasant to see as you march along, I'm sure! Shirley Read-Jahn

    1. Thank you, Shirley! The flowers are glorious at the moment. So very pretty!

  2. Looks lovely! You are so project-oriented! I always enjoy catching up with you. I had my laundry room painted a very light color and I'm so pleased with it. I also planted some flowers last week, and the best of all, getting central A/C for the downstairs part of the house. I have just moved my writing office to my brother's room in hopes that will encourage me to finish my long-neglected memoir. Hopefully it will come out by mid-autumn. But probably by Christmas! LOL. Do take care, my friend! It's been so warm here ... I love it! It reminds me of all the arid countries I lived in. Sun-splashed, I call it. Amy

    1. What a lovely newsy comment, Amy. I'm so glad to see you as I've missed you on Twitter and your blog. It's wonderful to know you're writing another memoir. I'll look forward to reading it, so keep me posted! The heat is marvellous but not so much when there's physical work to be done. All the same I relish it and am so grateful for it. Like you, I'm reminded of my life in South Africa and often think of it wistfully. Enjoy your A/C!! And your writing!

  3. I'm so pleased you have got some fine weather at last Val, here I fear it's RIP summer 2024 - but you never know and I try to be hopeful. You have done a great job on your stairs and kitchen floor, well done clever lady. Hopefully when Koos returns from his trip you can set off faring. Love the photos, especially smiling Zoe, she's just sooo sweet. x

    1. Rebecca, thank you so much. I'm glad you approve of the works :) I always have to make sure I have a weekly Zoe photo for you. my answer to your coos. xx

  4. Great work on the cottage. Now you can start on the boat 😂! It never ends, does it?

    1. No, it doesn’t 😄. That’s exactly what I’ve been doing, hence the slow reply. Thanks for the comment!

  5. You are a very busy and creative person Vaĺ. The finished floor looks lovely. Today is quite cloudy but I'm not complaining as the previous week has been very hot and uncomfortable during g the nights.
    Popcorn is fighting fit again after his earlier spell of Addisons Desease. The turnaround was dramatic but he'll be on medication for the rest of his life.
    Take care, David & Popcorn

    1. Ah David, I’m so pleased Popcorn is better again. That’s fantastic news. I would love to think that one of these days he and Zoe might meet up. That would be fun! It’s up and down here now. One day hot and the next cool and rainy. I’d like something in between now to get on with the boats!

  6. Impressive jobs on floor and stairs, and what lovely views! Made me smile!

  7. Wow! Great jobs at home! Fantastic Blog post!

  8. It's all quite beautiful. Amazing work you do ...and in this horrible heatwave even!

  9. Just reading what you do makes me tired! You are such a go-getter!
    Janis Couveux

    1. I never have been able to sit still. Sometimes, I wish I could. 🤗
      Where are you now? I’m a bit lost with your travels at the moment. I think the last time I saw your location, you were hiking with your granddaughter?

  10. Oh, Val, you do such beautiful work! Wow! You are so talented in so many things - endlessly talented. Great photos. Zoe is so lovely. I envy your summer! I'm still wearing woolly hats and layers! God bless you. (Steph)

    1. Ah Steph, envy not. It didn’t last long. Now it’s mostly just cloudy and humid.

  11. Hello, Val

    The floor and stairs look amazing! The wild flowers planted by the farmer so thoughtful. I planted some in a large window box for the same reason and I see it has worked. The heat here faded my echinacea which made me sad. My favorite! The rainbow and Zoe are as lovely as each other.

    This is ginabea!

    1. Hi Gina, it’s so nice to see you here. Thank you! I must make some wildflower boxes too next spring. I’ve planted buddleia bushes this year for the butterflies. Hoping your lovely Katy is doing well. 💕

  12. The weather looks wonderful with blue skies and wild flowers, Val. Beautiful. Your hard work on floors and crumbly cottage are well rewarded. 👍

    1. Thank you, Aidan. I’m busy with the boats now. 😅

  13. Such energy! When you're finished with that, I need you to donate a pint of blood to me, please? 🧛‍♂️😂

  14. Hi Val - that's amazing ... I've been a total slob and mostly watched the Olympics in between a few out and abouts ... and way too hot (even here) for much else. You've done incredibly well - I love the stair treads ... very professional, while the kitchen floor certainly scrubbed up colourfully. Clever lady - and giving Koos permission to take himself off for his hobby seemed a wise decision! ... I hope he easily survived the heat. Now I see you're back on the boats ... not just one, but two ... ah well - it takes all sorts ... cheers and congratulations Hilary

    1. Haha, yes! I really couldn’t have done the stairs or the kitchen with him at home, Hilary. But I think you’re the clever one, watching the Olympics was wiser in that heat!


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