Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Vivid Vernazza, Jewel of Liguria

I don't have time to write much at the moment, but I did want to share these few photos I took of Vernazza on the Cinque Terre coastal route last weekend. I did the hike with my friend, Sonja, and that is another story altogether, which I will probably tell another time.

Vernazza was definitely my favourite place (closely followed by Riomaggiore) so these pics give just an idea of how charming it is. What they don't show, though, is the wonderful liveliness of this small town; a bustling community where old people pass the time of day outside, sitting and chatting on street benches, where dogs and cats dash around leading there own busy lives, and young people call to each other across ancient balconies of yellow stone and peeling terracotta paint. I just loved it.


  1. Hi Val,
    I didn't see my comment go up, so I will try again.

    Aside from the obvious jealousy, I am so thrilled you got to Cinque Terre. I just left you a small note in the book parcel I just closed and will take to the post office by the weekend, asking if you'd made it out to CT. So delighted that you went!

    So, how was the weather? (we're having a fall vs spring debate). I clicked over the pictures to see a larger view and it brought back so many memories, especially Riomaggiore. Ti amo, Italia. I can't wait to go back.


  2. Hi Val,
    Absolutely beautiful. Gorgeous photos, sounds like a lovely trip.


  3. It looks absolutely beautiful. A visit to such a lovely place sounds just like what you needed. xxx

  4. Those are gorgeous Val, do you ever want to move? I love that vibe...

  5. Ooh, you lucky lucky person to be able to visit this place! Completely gorgeous!

  6. It looks like one of those well deserved peak experiences.
    And you are a mean photographer, Vally della P ;-)

  7. I am to assume this is, again, Italy?
    I so envy your ability to go from one sea to the next, with one destination so different from the other. This must be what defines the European countries - their uniqueness, yet their proximity...

    If I were to visit this place, you would find me beneath the little orange umbrella on the porch outside the postern door - wine in hand, looking out over the vine-covered cliffs.
    With a huge grin on my face!

    And your photos are superb!


  8. And, I might add, these places all sound like a wonderful blend of pasta and sauces!

  9. Many thanks one one and all. It was a great weekend, plus a very good workout!

    Anne Marie, the weather was lovely, and the villages just a delight. I am so impressed you and Austin did it in a day! We had to take the inland route for the second stretch as the coastal path was closed, and that was the biggest challenge of all, but we just loved it.

    Grace, Fran, String and Maria, it really was gorgeous, and I just loved the atmosphere in the villages. Still moving there would be something else. If you want to make a living, it would have to cater to tourism of in some, and that wouldn't really appeal to me.

    Thank you Koosje. I think you more than anyone have a good idea of how much I enjoyed it :)

    Dale, we are very lucky. I am fully aware of that, and I relish these opportunities we have to travel so easily and cheaply. I agree with your idea of how to enjoy it fact, I pretty much did exactly that on the second evening!
    Added to that, the pasta and sauces blended into something quite divine!

    Janys, next time for sure! It was such a short weekend really, but yes, absolutely delightful!

  10. These photo's look so good! It's giving me a warm feeling on the cold day it is today! Who would ever imagine this: It was a lot warmer in London last week!!!

  11. Hi Val,
    we did it in a day because we had to. Next time, cinque giornos for sure.


  12. It looks great. Such nice colours in the buildings too.

  13. what a wonderful place, val! you know, i would like to pass my time of day just like the old folks do here... :)
    take care.

  14. Great pictures - I am a big fan of Cinque Terre and have gone hiking there several times (the further north I go, the harder the trail gets) There are lots of great apartments to rent throughout the villages, and its fun to wander into the villages early morning or late evenings when you have the shops and waterfront to yourself.


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